Prototyping Stand With Integrated Power Supply
Motivation I wanted to tidy up my workbench, so I decided to build a prototyping stand for my electronic projects....

Building a Digital Slot Car Lap Counter
Having some Carrera Go slot car racing sets at home I always regarded the included analog lap counters as kind...

OpenWrt: Randomizing Guest WIFI Passwords
We have a guest wifi at home for everyone to use. With a growing number of people knowing the password...

Custom 3D Printer Enclosure Build
I decided it was time to get a new 3D printer. I wanted something with a bigger build volume, a...

Control Startup Order In Docker Compose
A nice feature of Compose is the possibility to define dependencies between Docker containers. Compose starts containers in the defined...

Automatically Prefix Your Commit Messages With ...
In my day-to-day work I’m using the command-line and therefore Git from the command-line a lot. Over the years I...

How To Deliver Larger Web Pages With An ESP8266
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller unit which makes it very attractive for...

Released gradle-dockerfile-plugin version 0.3
I have just released version 0.3 of my gradle-dockerfile-plugin. This is a Gradle plugin to build and push Docker images...

How To Compile Gizmod
The Gizmo Daemon is a very powerfull little utility to control applications and devices based on input events. I am...

Reviving an old N900 without lock code
Since it’s introduction in 2009 the Nokia N900 has always been a very special Smartphone. And when you have forgotten...

Marlin, Gen6 And Why It Is A Good Idea To Print...
When I first read about the microSD card feature of the Gen6 board that comes with the Portabee 3d-printer I...

Adding Glass To The Heated Build Platform
To improve the quality of my prints I ordered a glass sheet for the heated print bed. The glass sheet...

Software Settings For 3D Printing With The Port...
As I mentioned in a previous posting I am using Cura for g-code generation and Printrun/pronterface as an interface for...

Printing Without Raft
I spend some more time experimenting with my Portabee 3D printer. In the example Cura configuration printing with raft is...

Portabee Experiences - Part Two
I was not able to work with my Portabee 3D printer in recent months. My board was damaged, probably by...

Custom Arcade Cabinet Scratch Build
I accumulated a lot of old hardware over the years. Much of it still works and is too good to...