Update: This article is outdated! The old Debian Squeeze image is no longer available. Please use the new Raspbian Wheezy image instead.
I had some free time today so I played with my brand new Raspberry Pi. Here is what i have done so far using the Debian Squeeze image.
1) Install the Vim text editor
To install my favorite text editor:
sudo apt-get install vim
2) Changing the localization, the keyboard layout and the timezone
To change the localization:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
To change the keyboard layout:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
To change the timezone:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
3) Disable the overscanning
Overscanning is the black frame around the four edges of the video image. To disable the overscanning you need to create a text file config.txt on your boot partition /boot an put in the following text:
4) Install bash autocompletion
First you need to install the bash completition:
sudo apt-get install bash-completion
Then you need to activate it by changing the file /etcbash.bashrc. First you need to open it with a text editor:
sudo vim /etc/bash.bashrc
And remove the hashtags # from the beginning of the following lines:
# if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
# . /etc/bash_completion
# fi
5) Reconfigure the OpenSSH server
The SSH server in the Debian Squeeze image is deactivated by default which is good for security reasons. The password for the user pi and the ssh private keys are available in the public. You can start it with the following line:
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
5.1) Activate SSH boot by default
To activate the ssh server at boot simply rename the file boot_enable_ssh.rc to boot_rc on your boot partition:
sudo mv /boot/boot_enable_ssh.rc /boot/boot.rc
5.2) Create new SSH keys
Delete the old ones:
sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key
And create new keys:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
5.3) Change the SSH port
Changing the ssh port will stop many automated attacks and will add a little bit security though obscurity. To change the port of the SSH server you need to edit the file sshd_config with a text editor:
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Edit the line which states Port 22 and change the number to a port not currently used on the system
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
# Port 22
to e.g.:
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
# Port 50633
And restart SSH:
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
6) Create a new user and remove the user pi
First we activate the root account by creating a password for the user root:
sudo passwd
Now you need to close all sessions and re-login as root.
Because of some configuration error the user pi has been created twice. So we need to manually delete one. Open the file passwd with a text editor:
vim /etc/passwd
And delete the line:
Now we can delete the user pi and his home directory:
deluser —remove-home pi
And add a new user:
adduser username
Set the groups:
usermod -aG adm,dialout,cdrom,audio,plugdev,users,lpadmin,\
admin,sambashare,vchiq,powerdev username
Try to login with the new username and password and try to get sudo. If this works disable the root account:
passwd -l root
7) Update the system and the firmeware
To update the system:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
To update the firmeware:
create a root shell:
sudo -s
install the git certificates:
apt-get install git-core ca-certificates
Download the update script to /usr/bin and set the excecutable flag:
wget http://goo.gl/1BOfJ -O /usr/bin/rpi-update \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update
Excecute the update script:
Reboot the raspberry pi:
Sebastian Glahn is a Senior Software Engineer living in Cologne. He writes about Software Development, 3D-Printing, Robots and other stuff. He is also a maintainer of several open source projects.